Our Commitment to Environmental Conservation

At Unforgettable Goods, we love and respect our environment. We know that there are so many global issues that are threatening the safety and beauty of our planet. We know that more needs to be done to preserve the precious resources that we have. We felt compelled to help. That’s when we found the World Wildlife Fund.

A series of pictures showing elephants in the wild.
A baby elephant is walking with its mother.

For 50 years, WWF has been protecting the future of nature.

The world’s leading conservation organization, WWF, works in 100 countries and is supported by more than one million members in the United States and close to five million globally. WWF has a unique way of working, combining global reach with a foundation in science, involving action at every level, from local to global, and ensuring the delivery of innovative solutions that meet the needs of both people and nature. WWF’s work has evolved from saving species and landscapes to addressing the larger global threats and forces that impact them. The strengths of WWF’s amazing, dedicated, and passionate people have created some of the planet’s greatest conservation victories.

We give back because we believe that it teaches us to find compassion within ourselves. We want to make a difference and leave behind a legacy. We want to be a part of something bigger than we are. At Unforgettable Goods, we vowed to donate a percentage of our quarterly profits to the World Wildlife Fund because we know that when we work together to give back, we not only create stronger networks but can make anything possible!

Here’s how you can join us in giving back:

Meet Elle, our adopted African Elephant (and company mascot!)

Today, the most urgent threat to elephants is large-scale poaching to supply the illegal ivory trade. Other threats facing elephants in Africa and Asia include conflict with humans and habitat loss and degradation.

Elephants are losing their habitats—and ancient migratory routes—due to expanding human settlements, plantation development, and the construction of infrastructure such as roads, canals, and pipelines. As a result, the level of human-elephant conflict rises as elephants are forced to try to access resources.

WWF helps train wildlife managers and local communities to use modern methods and tools to mitigate human-elephant conflict. Rangers and community-based operations are on the front lines of the fight against wildlife crime, and WWF helps train and equip them. WWF works with TRAFFIC, the international wildlife trade monitoring network, to reduce the major threat that illegal and illicit domestic ivory markets pose to wild elephants. WWF works with elephant range state governments, local people, and non-governmental partners to secure a future for this powerful symbol of nature by thinking beyond protected areas.

By symbolically adopting an animal, we are helping in their efforts to continue doing their amazing work day after day. You, too, can help in their efforts and adopt an animal of your choosing (there are so many to choose from) and join in the efforts to help save the animals, one at a time! Click the heart below to adopt your own.

A baby elephant standing in the dirt with its trunk raised.